Top 5 locations for stargazing
Astrotourism is becoming more popular every year. People are willing to travel thousands of kilometers to admire the stars. But which places on Earth are considered the best for this? Let's find out now!
The November 13 attacks targeted mainly young Parisians enjoying a Friday night out at a crowded rock concert, restaurants, cafes, and a soccer match between Germany and France. They left 130 people dead and hundreds wounded. Graffiti on the city’s walls is the way citizens express their sorrow and pain. The main idea of all illustrations is a fight for freedom.
Dozens of variations of slogans such as “Paris, I love you'' and ''Paris, still standing'' adorned the city in graffiti and posters.
“Land of the free” is a slogan of free French citizens.
"Fluctuat Nec Mergitur” is a city motto meaning sea-tossed but not sinking. The artists' message is clear: Paris might have been battered, but it's not beaten.
A poster pinned on a lamppost showed the figure of Marianne, an allegorical symbol of the French republic, shedding a blue, white and red tear. The symbol appeared in 1792 when the National Convention decided by decree that the new seal of the state would represent a standing woman holding a spear with a Phrygian cap held aloft on top of it.
''Paris, still standing'' is a slogan proving the fact that France in impregnable.
"Fluctuat Nec Mergitur” is an old but still very important motto for the present generation.
“There is no freedom without peace, and there is no peace without freedom from fear”. This phrase shows philosophical understanding of reality and the recent French attacks, in particular.
Astrotourism is becoming more popular every year. People are willing to travel thousands of kilometers to admire the stars. But which places on Earth are considered the best for this? Let's find out now!